Students Answer: What Inspires You to Play and Sing? Also Jurassic Park.

As a piano and voice teacher and piano-playing singer…I’ve developed the skill of continually inspiring myself. 

But what inspires me, might not inspire you! You might find something else that reminds you why you love making music. 

For my current students you can use this list when your typical way of inspiration…doesn’t happen to be working for you today. 

For instance, what often inspires me to play and sing is lifting others up. But sometimes, from a little too much social interaction,  I’m a Grump-asaures Rex (cue Jurassic Park theme). Then I remember…music also helps me relax and connect with myself…and, knowing I can escape into my own musical world, I’m now aligned again with what inspires me to play and sing! 

So on my Jurassic Park days, what inspires me to sing and play  is actually the polar opposite of what normally does it for me: from connecting with others to connecting with myself. 

 Inspiration can be a practiced skill. You can get better at forcing yourself to practice, or get better at inspiring yourself and find yourself practicing…which sounds better to you? Which is truly more sustainable long term? 

So I got curious…what inspires my students to play and sing? Here’s what they said: 

To Lift Others Up (that was me) 

Emotional Release and Fun

The Music (ha! Simple enough!) 

A Positive Outlet 

Singing with Others 

To Express How I Feel When I Don’t Have the Words 

A Place for Emotion to Flow 

The Beauty of Music Makes Me Dissolve Into the Oneness of Life 

Connecting with Myself and Others 

To Relax 

To Find New and Better Ways to Express Myself 

If I Can, I will 

A Sense of Accomplishment and Sharing Joy

Reach Out Below for Class & Lesson Info 

What Students Are Saying...

Stephanie A.  

Sports Writer

Gave me the belief I could learn to sing. .”

"After the Saturday class I knew I would enjoy learning from Chris, his enthusiasm is very infectious and what he told us during the class made perfect logical sense. Gave me the belief I could learn to sing. .”


Research Librarian

An adventure in personal discovery and development.

“Working with Chris is and adventure in personal discovery and development. As a retired research librarian I had to asky myself why.

Jordan G 

I'm already seeing improvement in voice and piano after two months. 

Chris is an awesome teacher! He is super kind and super funny. I have no previous experience, and with only two months of lessons I already see significant improvement in my voice/piano skills! Definitely recommend doing both piano and vocal lessons simultaneously. Come to Chris, I promise you won’t regret it!



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