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Hi, I'm Chris,
I help adult beginners have an absolute blast playing piano.
How do I sign up for the Adult Piano Class?
First you’ll subscribe below, so you can get your 50% off first lesson, then you’ll reach out to Chris by contacting below. You’ll have a 1-on-1 with Chris @ 50% off to make sure the class would be a good fit for you, then get you set up during that first lesson.
Do I have to buy a keyboard before I can start?
You won’t need to buy a keyboard before you can start, or need to bring a keyboard, that will be provided in class, you can also rent a keyboard to play at home, which we can get set up on the first lesson.
What's the price per month for the Adult Piano Class?
The Adult Piano Class is $157 per month, for lessons you can contact Chris for more info.
How long is the class/when is it?
The class is 1 hour, with a weekday/weekend options that we’ll schedule during the first lesson.
Is it an ongoing class or a set of classes?
You'll sign up for a semester, which is typically about 3 months...although you might love the class so much you won't want to quit after 3 months, so many students stick to ongoing classes from there.
I’ve never taken lessons before, will this class still work for me?
Yes! The class is designed for absolute beginners.
What if I’ve taken lessons before, will this class be “too easy”?
The class is designed with optional advanced variations for more experienced students so you’ll definitely get a slice of humble pie if that’s what you’re looking for ;)
Is the class online or in-person?
The class is exclusively offered in-person.
The Synergistic Studio is in Northwest Austin
Real Talk: Typical Piano Lessons? Not So Fun.
If You've Had Lessons Before...
You might imagine that enrolling in piano lessons means you’re going to practice scales ad nauseam, then be tasked with difficult sheet music to take home and read, playing songs you’ve never heard of before (so no idea if they are “right”). Then you have to find time during your already busy work week to “practice”...and when you come back to your lesson you have the performance anxiety of showing and proving that you did what you were supposed to do.
That’s the prevailing wisdom: that if you want to play piano, you have to suffer long lonely hours with boring scales played over and over again and to sit and struggle each week reading music rather than…playing!
I too, experienced this growing up. I went to piano lessons, brought pieces I was actually really excited about, began trying to play said pieces…and then could hear behind me…SNORING! My teacher was so bored he literally started SNORING! Had I not also been a singer, driven by passionate curiosity to understand how my voice could make music and how the piano could help me, my dream of playing might have died right there.
So here’s the problem with the way typical piano lessons go: lots of people learn piano and enjoy playing…without learning scales, without struggling through difficult sheet music. In fact, that’s how I learned. I loved it, and I quit piano lessons because I knew, even as a 12 year old, that a bored asleep teacher was not the way to learn.
It’s not your fault if you’ve taken lessons before and didn’t have a great experience. Video game designers knew something that science and schooling is only now beginning to realize: learning is more effective when it's fun, creative and social...hence why you’ll have a hard time pulling a teenager away from his video game practice but he’ll take any excuse to skip the math drills.
As a vocal coach for the last 10 years, I would often get asked by singers to have some help with piano. Singers who had taken piano before had such a better experience, that soon piano lessons took on a life of their own. You may wonder why...
Singers have a unique challenge in learning piano: they have to be able to play piano, while singing, while keeping their voice free and easy, while interacting with their bandmates, the crowd, etc…AND enjoy it, otherwise your audience will know!
So to learn piano as a singer, you can’t have you eyes glued to the sheet music, shoulders hunched, grimacing through each chord. You either had fun or had to leave the piano totally out of the picture. So we learned. Through fun, play, discovery and creativity.
What was discovered over the last 10 or so years of teaching piano and voice…was a whole new way to experience learning the piano, that works for you, dear aspiring piano-player, whether or not you have any interest in singing. This new way to learn has the fun is baked in. Yes you’ll learn how to read music, yes you’ll learn both pieces you know and don’t know and you can start as a total beginner.
BUUT what if I don’t have time to practice at home?!
Do you have to practice your name each day so you can remember it when someone asks? No, of course not. If what you learned in class is really learned, then you’ll be able to pick up somewhere close to where you left off last week. The practice you’ll experience in class will be of far better quality than what you can do at home. In class, you’ll not only learn how to play piano, you’ll learn what good practice looks and feels like...and you'll learn how to learn. Spoiler alert: great practice feels FUN!
Over time you’ll find yourself wanting to play at home, because you’re going to have so many great experiences with the piano in class!
We don’t work on the practice habit, we work on the desire to practice through having thrilling musical experiences.
The good news is, you don’t have to believe any of this. If you add your email below, you’ll get a free class where you can experience this for yourself. So what are you waiting for? Sign up below, or keep reading…
Subscribe and Get Your First Piano Lesson 50% Off + 1 Free Class*
*the Free class is only available until Dec 15th, 2023. sign up now.
I look forward to my piano class every week! :)
I’ve always loved the piano, and I'm glad I am able to take lessons as an adult! I did think I was maybe too old to learn, but Chris is very calming and patient with me and I appreciate that, I've enjoyed learning the keys and look forward to my piano class every week!"
Corina C.
The SynergisticSinging Secret Sauce
What’s the secret sauce? How are Lessons & the Adult Piano Class with Chris different?
You’ll learn in a way that uses the power of play, backed by neuroscience, to help you learn more easily and have more fun…for example…
Where-as typical lessons will have you play the same thing over and over again, like hearing the same song so many times you’re tired of hearing it, the adult piano class you’ll apply your own creativity and variations, so that you hear something, or feel something new with every rep.
Where typical lessons guilt/cajole you into practice between lessons, the Adult Piano Class will go through a discovery process, to see what songs, what sounds, what aspects of music and piano playing really fire you up. As a singer, my favorite singers super inspired me to sing, so when I went to piano, I was surprised that my teacher never asked me how what I was learning made me feel. If you’re doing math drills, you don’t need to feel emotion from them…but if you’re learning a song?! Hell yeah. Music is all about that feeling.
Typical piano lessons are sheet music focused, which means that if you ever have a friend who plays guitar, and wants you to play piano with her, you’ll be lost. With the Adult Piano Class and lessons, you’ll learn both the power of playing through sheet music, and throwing out the sheet music and playing with others, from day one. The good news is when you learn both, you’ll be better at playing by heart, but also from the heart.
Okay but I don’t have a piano...
The SynergisticStudio rents out keyboards at a really low rate per month, so you don’t have to wait to get a keyboard before you can start going for your piano playing dreams. Just contact Chris below and you can get set up. Although practice is not expected between classes (because what you’ll learn will be remembered the next class) you’re gonna wanna play at home most likely. It's just too tough to keep your hands out of that music cookie jar, ya know? ;)
Fun Piano Lessons for Older Beginners
Piano Lessons Designed with Adult Beginners in Mind...
If You've Never Had Lessons Before...
You'll be able to start from scratch, learning a couple simple songs within just a couple lessons! As a self-taught piano player that later took lessons and classes in college, I saw the disparity between how I naturally learned piano, and how it was taught. So in piano lessons, you'll skip the long lecture on jargon and get right to playing. As you build up your skills, concepts will make so much more sense because you've already played songs where you can see the concepts in action.
If You're Not Sure You'll Actually Practice Enough to Make Progress...
Piano lessons with Chris are designed to get you A TON of practice within the lesson. So you don't practice at home, you PLAY!
If You Are Self-Taught or You've Taken a Few Lessons Before...
You'll find a refreshing hybrid of independence and guidance within lessons. Having been self-taught and later taken piano lessons and college classes, Chris saw the benefits and drawbacks of self-taught piano...and lessons/classes. Assembling the best of both worlds, piano lessons with Chris create the right balance of independence and guidance so that you progress faster and more enjoyably in your piano playing than you would on your own or with typical piano lessons.
Group Classes Give You an Instant Group of Music Friends + Play Songs You Know
Like group exercise classes, where you get to join others, Synergistic Piano classes gives you the best of 1-on-1 and group: You'll get individualized attention within every class, but also have opportunities to play with others. Here's a sneak peak!
You'll Get Enough Practice in Classes Alone, to Be Able to Play Piano
The way most people experience their first music lessons goes a little something like this: they are taught how to do something, then they have to go home and practice it, then come back and show the teacher that they "can do it". With Synergistic Piano Lessons, you learn and practice and play in class. So when you go home, you enjoy what you've already learned!
Subscribe and Get Your First Piano Lesson 50% Off + 1 Free Class*
*the Free class is only available until Dec 15th, 2023. sign up now.
I'm already seeing significant improvements in voice AND piano!
Chris is an awesome teacher! He is super kind and super funny. I have no previous experience, and with only two months of lessons I already see significant improvement in my voice/piano skills! Definitely recommend doing both piano and vocal lessons simultaneously. Come to Chris, I promise you won’t regret it!
Jordan G
Piano Lessons have been a great experience!
I have greatly enjoyed both singing and piano lessons from Chris. I began with only voice lessons initially, but decided to add on piano to our time as well and I'm so glad I did! The piano lessons have really complimented my vocal pursuits and allowed me to visualize and contextualize the vocal exercises in a way that I would not be able to do without the keyboard. Chris is always kind and easy to communicate with. Through vocal and piano lessons he's helped me accomplish my goal of becoming a better singer/songwriter. Synergistic Singing & Piano Lessons has been a great experience!
John Taylor, Singer/songwriter
Piano Classes Are For You If...
Synergistic Piano Lessons Are Designed to Get Fast, Fun Progress, Accompany Yourself Singing, or Get Ready to Play with Others.
Lynne R.
Medical Industry
I've had 3 instructors and the others don't even come close to Chris,
Chris is very positive, wonderfully encouraging, truly-genuinely loves music, and sharing his skills with others so they can enjoy music! I've had 3 instructors and the others don't even come close to Chris, his techniques, his depth of knowledge, and kindness. He is technically proficient which expands his abilities to provide lessons even from a distance. He's the best!!
Subscribe and Get Your First Piano Lesson 50% Off + 1 Free Class*
Catharine S.
News Photographer
Attentive, inspiring and supportive!
Chris is not your average music teacher. He has a real gift for teaching and an obvious calling to help people. It’s not his “day job.” During every lesson he is attentive, inspiring and supportive. And it seems like he knows what motivational issue I am having before I do. I’ve seen a lot of music teachers (mine and my kids’) and he is truly amazing.