Get Better at Singing & Give Your Busy Mind a Break. 

When you subscribe,  you'll get access to the Breathe to the Music  track. In this track, you're going to work on one of the most important movements of singing...the slowing down of the exhale. As part my mission to help you get out of your head and sing with your whole body and heart, I've designed this track so that you can download the track, put all your devices offline, close your eyes and give yourself a moment to enjoy breathing to the music. When you get this exercise down, you'll not only have had a moment to un-fry your brain from screens, you'll be one step closer to making all of your singing sound and feel better. 

What is the Breathe to the Music Track?

Want to know what this track is all about before you try? Read below…

It turns out that your ability to focus, to sing and to breathe better, are all connected. There is one issue though: life today is really REALLY lived on screens, so I’d like to help your singing, but without adding to your screen time…in fact, I’d like to help you counteract all the negative effects of screen time…(like screen apnea, where you stop breathing because your eyes have been focused on one spot for too long…which tells your brain “I’m in danger!”).

So here’s what this track will do:
You’ll download the track, make sure its downloaded to whatever device you’re using, and, for 7min, turn the Internet off. You can put your phone on airplane mode, turn off wifi…whatever you need. Then put everything on Do Not Disturb, close your eyes, and listen and practice with the track.

Download the track HERE, or if you have more time and questions, I’ve answered a few below.

How does it work?
In this track, we’ll be focusing on the core movement of singing: the slow and steady exhale. You'll hear notes that you'll coordinate your breathing with. I’ll let the track explain the rest.

What if I’m in my car, in public or traveling?

You don’t actually have to make any sounds to practice along with this track. So it’s perfect for you if you’re in a situation where you can’t practice singing, but want to practice one of the core movements of singing. It's easy enough that you can drive and practice with the track.

Hi, I'm Chris,

Let's start an exciting chapter in your singing story. 

I'm here to help you sound good on your song, get the confidence to sing in front of people and help you reclaim your singing freedom through practical, specific-to-your-song exercises and reassuring feedback. 

Contact Chris to Jumpstart Your Singing 

  • 512-814-8932
  • 13552 US-183 Suite A, Austin, Texas, 78750, USA

 Get Better at Singing & Give Your Busy Mind a Break. 

When you subscribe,  you'll get access to the Breathe to the Music  track. In this track, you're going to work on one of the most important movements of singing...the slowing down of the exhale. As part my mission to help you get out of your head and sing with your whole body and heart, I've designed this track so that you can download the track, put all your devices offline, close your eyes and give yourself a moment to enjoy breathing to the music. When you get this exercise down, you'll not only have had a moment to un-fry your brain from screens, you'll be one step closer to making all of your singing sound and feel better.